Tuesday 21 October 2014


Dear Bro. Apraku

Right after your initiation, I saw the unsatisfactoriness in your soul. I am sorry we didn't please you. You will have to forgive the lodge and Freemasonry as a whole. But right glad I am to find you contribute actively on the whatsapp group. I am sure you have gathered some interest around. Or you are still anticipating the atonement of your anxiety in the higher degrees?

You may want to stop hoping to see the dead bodies, those rooms which were under lock and keys, contain some old and dirty artifacts, some sticks, stones, ropes, tattered aprons of long ago Masons, yes, we don't have any big fridge which stores the bodies. Masons are clean Men and wouldn't want to come any closer to anything unpleasant.(In one of the degrees ahead, you will learn a sign that affirms how Masons blocked the sight of a bitter scene).

Some of your words were too loud about your expectations, I saw there and then that you had prepared your mouth for a calabash of blood, not even the two club beers were enough to compensate you. You see, our old men could have served you red wine in calabash and said it was symbolic, that am sure would have been enough to tell your friends you were more powerful than them. Bro. never mind, the communion you had with Brethren over sweating bottles was one great union you just enjoyed. Under normal life workings, you wouldn't have had the opportunity to wine and dine with such distinguished men, amidst them sat me too (you think is easy to wine with an unemployed graduate, dey der).

It didn't come to me as a surprise when you asked which secrets at all you were to keep, we don't decide who becomes President of the nation months before elections and tell Lodge members to keep the name as a secret, we have no hand in the death of any public figure, Otumfour is a Mason and you are free to tell that to any one, is not a secret. We are not the master minds behind the fall and rise of the dollar. My Bro. our secrets, our mode of recognitions. Those signs, tokens and word which designate a Mason, by which you can distinguish a brother in the night as well as in the day, those prompts which help you to distinguish a brother from the popular world. SUCH, my brother, are the secrets you protect with all your life. And when you deem them not worthy of protection, you lose not your life but integrity and membership.
So as you smile to this end, let me keep your happy heart in the easiness of masons and the brotherhood of Men under the Fatherhod of God. Let us again meet on the level and part on the square in peace and harmony.

Until then, its Hausa kooko and Koose. (Oh gye, what are brothers for?)

Your Sweet Brother
Oppong Clifford Benjamin
Excelsior Lodge No. 7670 EC.
‪#‎Cliffmasonicletter‬ are open thought letters addressed to no one in particular. It is just to talk about practical issues in our circles.

1 comment:

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